The Man With the Sunken Eyes


The man with the sunken eyes

Sits in his worn brown chair

On maple court.

He sinks down into the chair

Sharing an understanding with the object

That this is only temporary.

He wears fear beneath his sadness,

Sallow skin and cracked lips.

Two crumbs from the last attempt at a meal

Now rest on the edge of his chin.

He shares words with the world

That couldn't be conjured within the illusion

Of "reality"

A teacher, a coach, a husband...

He was.

Now his time is spent

Battling for one more day

One more conversation

One more touch

One more breath.

As the black and white house cat enters the room

A weak smile appears.

He talks bravely about his final wishes:

Cardboard container for the cremation,

Catholic mass, riverside cemetery.

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

His lover is on the brink of overflowing.

She strokes his back gently,

Fetches him a glass of lukewarm water

While the arrangements are completed.

He signs documents

And writes checks

In his last hour.

The cat sits calmly in the corner

Licking the evening rain off its coat.

-Sahara Farrugio


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